Today it begins. OK, that's not true, it began a long time ago. This journey began when I walked in the door of Tom Pardue's Kung Fu School in July 2000. I signed up for classes in August and started training with no particular goals in mind.
The nice thing about those silly colored belts, is there is a built in goal system. A little extra motivator to get a martial arts student training toward a goal even if they don't have one. It works, I've seen it time and time again. So I started working towards a belt test, then another and another. . .
Now, I've been a black sash for 8 years. So I am starting another segment of my journey. I am setting some pretty intense goals for myself because I do not want to get complacent. I believe that if a person stops training after they pass their black sash test, eventually they are no longer a black sash. The way I see it, it's like being a marathon runner. If a person ran a marathon once when they were 22, then never ran another mile for the next ten years, they are no longer a marathon runner.
I'd rather keep my black sash.
So. . .
Over the next two years:
100 hours of kung fu training.
100 hours of strength and conditioning training
2000 miles run.
2000 miles biked.
100 entries on this blog.
Work on my bonsai.
Grow my garden each year.
4 Community projects.
Maintain and improve my diet.
Maintain and improve my sustainability.
Also, journeys are easier with company along the way, so who is willing to jump in and join me?
Your requirements don't have to be the same as mine.
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