I talked to my Sifu, Master Tom Pardue, about what the requirements were to receive my next rank, 5th degree black sash. It turned out that other than meeting the minimum time requirement I had pretty much already met all the requirements. I was actually a little disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the list he gave me was an impressive one, but I didn't like the idea of not needing to do anything else over the next two years. At about the same time, I found myself in a state of low motivation and in need of a challenge. So here comes the challenge I will be setting for myself.
I will be writing about my journey in this blog as a part of the challenge, it will serve as a personal and public accountability tool. It will also be part journal and part portfolio of my training between here and there.
I am working on my requirements for me to complete.
I will be detailing them here.
I'm feeling it already!